What means BJJ ? BJJ stands for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is commonly named bjj. However it was named like this by non brazilian when it started to come out of Brazil and then became popular. Originally its name is Jiu-Jitsu. When it appeared in Brazil more than one hundred years ago, its first appearance was in a circus under the name “Kano Jiu-Jitsu”.

What is the difference between bjj and other jiu-jitsu styles ? There are many jiu-jitsu styles like there are many style of yoga. They all come from the same root in Japan, where jiu-jitsu schools or Ryu where specialized in certain type of techniques (chokes, locks, weapon, throws etc.). At the end of the 19th century (around 1882) Jigoro Kano made a synthesis of different jiu-jitsu styles he would name afterwards “Judo”. During the creation and development of this new discipline that roots from the original jiu-jitsu, before it was known as judo, the term used was “Kano Jiu-Jitsu”. In the beginning of the 20th century he sent his best students abroad as ambassador of his synthesis of jiu-jitsu. One of them, Mitsuyo Maeda was a fierce jiu-jistsu fighter. After a legendary travel around the world he end up in the north of Brazil, demonstrating the art of jiu-jitsu under the name of “Kano Jiu-Jitsu”.

What is SELF-DEFENSE ? It is the essence of jiu-jitsu which purpose is to protect yourself and others from a brutal agression. BJJ developped the hability for the weaker to overcome brutal strength with smart moves and body positions that give more chance to survive and eventually make your agressor surrender or allow you to escape.

What does mean GI ? It is the contraction of JIU-JITSUGI (“kimono” is often used as well although it is literally a form of traditional japanese clothing that is worn in formal occasions). So most of the time we train and learn jiu-jitsu techniques with a “gi” for many reasons : a beginner would learn and feel better the leverage concept of bjj ; less strength is needed ; the cotton of the gi absorbs the sweat ; it gives a better protection ; you can create for self-defense situations ; it can help to develop strength especially in the hands, the arms, the back as you developp your hability to grip the thick material and pull in various direction and various grips…

What is NOGI ? it is a version of bjj with wrestling type of gears, so without a “gi”. You can use a short and a t-shirt, however we use a more specific clothing called “rashguard” that came from the surfers when they started to learn jiu-jitsu in Rio de Janeiro back in the days (and then at Rolls Gracie academy). The story of Nogi started from a fight on the beach in the seventies between some jiu-jitsu practicionners (who were surfing) and surfers. A famous surfer felt disrecpeted when a “bjj guy” crossed its path on the waves… Then a dispute and a fight started on the beach between several guys. The surfers where all choked out by the bjj guys. Then surfers, impressed by the fighting skill of Rolls Grcie student went to the academy and started to learn bjj, that was taught only with the gi at that time. They eventually spar on the beach with their surf gears. That is hos historically the nogi really started!

What is Ginastica Natural ? It is part of bjj. It was developped by Alvaro Romano (Rolls Gracie black belt) on the base of moves he learned from Orlando Cani his yoga teacher. Then Ginatica Natural became a very popular gymnastique in Brasil and within the bjj community. It is the gymnastic of jiu-jitsu that develops coordination, strength, flexibility, balance through specific bjj , self-defense, yoga and animal moves. The most famous moves are the shrimp, the square, the crocodile, the gorilla, the grass hopper, the tiger, the donkey…

How much can I train at BJJ Gozo Academy ? For now 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6-8pm. This schedule is the core of our academy. We may have more classes soon. Everyone can book a free try at these sessions. Once you become a member you can train as well at the open mats so you can train everyday if you want. Spread the word!

What’s in the classes ? Every class is a bit different. On Monday we focus more on the practice without the gi (nogi) and mix with muay thaï, wresling, judo, sambo… It is MMA for beginners, in a fun and friendly way. So it is a very complete and safe sport guided by an experienced coach. You will learn effective self defense in every class. On Wednesday we focus more on take downs with the gi mixing judo with wrestling technics. On Friday we focus more on the ground techniques so we explore bjj technics in more depth, with drills and specific technics around a certain type of guard, submission, escape, sweep… Book your free class now before we are full!

Can I have a private class with François Deniau ? Yes, you are very welcome. It can be anytime morning or afternoon, any day. Thanks to book in advance. Private classes can be booked here or via WhatsApp or by email at info@bjjgozo.com

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